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When it comes to moving a hot tub, it can be a difficult and overwhelming task due to its size and weight. For reference, hot tubs can weigh up to 1,500 pounds. For that reason alone, we recommend that most people hire a professional hot tub mover to move a spa (see this article for how to hire a spa mover). Not to mention, hot tubs are very expensive and we want to make sure that they are handled with care.

With that said, we do have a few customers that want to move their hot tubs on their own. We have developed this guide to help those customers, using equipment that is affordable.

Step 1: Drain the hot tub

Before moving your hot tub, it’s important to drain all the water from the tub, which in turn will make it lighter and easier to move. 

Step 2: Disconnect the electrical

It’s very important to properly disconnect your hot tub from its electrical source. If you are not sure how to remove the electrical, please coordinate with your local electrician.

Step 3: Get the right equipment

Moving a hot tub requires some specialized equipment, make sure that you have them on hand before beginning the moving process:

Step 4: Clear the path

Identify the best path to move the hot tub. If there are any obstacles obstructing the path, be sure to have those items moved before you begin your move.

Step 5: Hey Popeye – get some help!

Moving a hot tub is a challenging task, so make sure that you have enough people to help you transport it. Typically, we recommend that you have 2-3 people when moving a hot tub.

Step 5: Prepare the hot tub for transport

As we mentioned earlier, hot tubs are very expensive and so we want to make sure that hot tubs are well protected when they are being moved. Apply padding and blankets on any part of the hot tub that may encounter the ground or rub across any walls.

Step 6: Be Safe

As we mentioned, hot tubs are very heavy and cumbersome. Please be careful before attempting any hot tub moves.

Step 7: Lift the hot tub

With the help of your friends, lift one corner of the hot tub. Place a wooden plank underneath the corner once you have it a few inches off the ground. Once a corner is slightly elevated on the wooden plank, use the 2×4 extended plank to lift the hot tub even higher by using leverage. Place another wooden plank on top of the previous wooden plank. Continue this exercise until the hot tub is approximately 1 foot of the ground. After one corner is one-foot off the ground, repeat this exercise and lift one other corner of the hot tub 1 foot off the ground.

Step 8: Place the Moving Sled

Place the moving sled on the opposite side of the lifted corners. 

Step 9: Put the Hot Tub On Its Side

With the help of your friends, lift the hot tub onto its side and onto the moving sled. Make sure to use your legs, as you do not want to hurt your back! If you are using a dolly, then have a friend lift the hot tub that has been put onto its side and slide the dolly underneath.

Step 10: Move the spa

Place one friend at the front of the hot tub. They will pull the straps on the moving sled to move it. The other friend should be on the back of the tub and pushing with all their force. Pushing movements should be done in unison to get the most movement out of the tub. Continue this moving process until you arrive at its final destination.

We hope these are some helpful tips as you move your own spa. As we mentioned earlier, if you do not feel like you have the equipment or the right team to move to a spa, then we highly recommend that you hire a professional spa mover. They will have all of the equipment and will be able to safely move the spa to its final destination.