In some parts of the country more than other but the bottom line is that hot tubs and swim spas do increase both the value and desirability of a home for sale. Seattle based, real esate website claims that homes with hot tubs and spas in their listings pull an 11% premium. Increasing real estate values and desirability shouldn’t be the sole reason to buy a hot tub or swim spa for your home but you should know that if you do add one then you will likely see a boost in value as well as all of the recreation and therapy you will get out of it before putting your home up for sale.
Zillow also mentioned that the 11% premium was an increase year over year (2.5% last year). We can only assume that the increase can be attributed to the effects of COVID-19 and social distancing which has forced individuals and families to stay at home for extended periods of time. It only make sense that given these circumstances that people would pour money into their homes adding pools, decks, landscaping, firepits, outdoor kitchens, and other distractions that can make passing time more fun and convenient during these unsettling times. Much of the money used for these projects and purchases come from repurposed fund once used vacations, travel, and dining out. In fact, many pool and hot tub retailers around the country are experiencing a boon in sales from COVID 19 as reported in one of our recent articles.